
Portable Adobe Photoshop CS4 Hancock Special Edition

Portable Adobe Photoshop CS4 Hancock Special Edition | 63 Mb
This is a special edition of the popular tool Adobe Photoshop. There are many useless features removed, so that the application requires less RAM and loads up to 75% faster. Hancock Special Edition Tweaks: - Editted Resources to make the Loading 75% Faster - Removed 25 Langauges from EULA - Removed Adobe Registration - Removed Adobe Rem Dialog - Removed RAM Scan on Start-up - Modify'd ~RAM.dll To make it work faster on 1GB RAM users - Made Portable - Added All Regular Photoshop folders (Such as Brushes, Prests etc) - Added SFX Installer - If you downloaded any older version, or other portable versions, just remove Adobe_Epic folder in App\Photoshop folder , So you dont have to accept the License anymore Masks panel: Quickly create and edit masks from the new Masks panel. This panel offers all the tools you need to create editable pixel- and vector-based masks, adjust mask density and feathering, easily select noncontiguous objects, and more. Content-Aware Scaling: Use the new and revolutionary Content-Aware Scaling feature to automatically recompose an image as you resize it, s
martly preserving vital areas as the image adapts to the new dimensions. Get the perfect image in one step without time-intensive cropping and retouching. Extended depth of field: Easily create a single image from a series of shots that have different focal points with the enhanced Auto-Blend Layers command, which smoothly blends color and shading and now extends your depth of field, automatically correcting vignettes and lens distortion. Auto-alignment of layers: Create accurate composites with the enhanced Auto-Align Layers command. Move, rotate, or warp layers to align them more accurately than ever before. Or use spherical alignment to create breathtaking panoramas.


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